Just in case you haven’t heard, anti video game protesters say, “video games will rot your brain!” Is that what they said about automobiles, Jazz and Rock n roll? Video games are just anther brain rotter to add to the list, regardless of the benefits it offers.
The force behind the rot is due to the discovery of a sex scene in some games which is only accessible if you hack the game… which of course is much more important than say the total count of how many zombies a player shoots up. Zombies have feelings and are people too…dead but they’re still people nevertheless.
The ‘give it a rest’ opponent believe video games can help prepare kids for the world they will end up working and living in. Video game fan
Robert Florio who just happens to be paralyzed from the neck down is currently earning his bachelors degree in Videogame Art and Design with ambitions in creating My goal is to videogames for people with physical limitations.
Walter Reed Army Medical Center uses
video games as a means of therapy for recovering soldiers. Chuck Ziegenfuss, a major in the Army and wounded in Iraq in 2005 said playing video games "gives them back a sense that they're normal," he said.
Today’s games force players to learn complex rule systems, follow shifting game environments in real time and prioritize between multiple objectives. Rules, decisions, thinking fast on your feet and being a team player are precisely the sorts of skills that employees need in the workplace.
What about the claims that violent video games lead to violent behavior? According to a variety of surveys today’s kids are less violent not more.
Video Game Voters Network provides detailed information on the controversy of violence ad video games. Much of their information is provided and based on University studies, professional researcher documentation and healthcare reports. All of which prove that each and every one of us is responsible for our own actions.
Groups like
Mothers Against Videogame Addiction and Violence say they are educating parents of “
the world's fastest growing addiction and the most reckless endangerment of children today.”
Last time I checked (and I surf the web on a daily basis) I found that the fastest growing addiction for kids have always included:
- Fast Food / obesity
- Tobacco
- Drugs
- Alcohol
- Body image related addictions
I can not recall one article or news source listing video games as an "addition" let alone the “world's fastest growing addiction.”
MAVAV Articles include:
EverQuest: A Threat to Society?Truth - EverQuest: Explore a realm of Adventure, Fantasy and Magic.
Oh yea…..
Hordes of teenagers are threatening the existence of dragons world wide due to EverQuest. Stop the innocent killing of dragons!
Video Game Networks or Online Training Camps?FOR EVIL! {baahaahaahaa}
Jeti Force: “you can stay up as late as you like and eat all the chocolate ice cream you want.”
E3: Evil Entertainment ExpoTruth - E3: The Electronic Entertainment Expo(E3) is the world's largest annual video game and entertainment industry conference where developers and journalists gather to witness the very latest games and technologies. This is where the iPhone was premiered...
Okay… that was a bad example maybe E3 is a little bit evil but so are a lot of industries… we don’t Mothers Against Videogames protesting cell phone use in their cars while driving. Lets see
their driving records! I bet they’re not so spotless.
I have to wonder how many of those who attack these video games have spent much time trying to play them? Do they realize how hard they can be? Maybe they do realize how hard the games are and they just really suck at it…