Friday, March 2, 2007

Porn Through Video Games

Source: Porn Through Video Games

It seems some porn web sites have found another way to sneak into your home uninvited. Players say some are now coming in through video games.
Michael Gatson is a self proclaimed video gamer. He says he was shocked after recently playing a friends Nintendo Wii and porn popped up. "When we went on line, we were going to play some football when we went on a big screen like a pop up like on the internet, 'would like to see this?' and it was a young lady, very erotic."
The Nintendo Wii video game is so popular stores can't keep it on the shelves. At Replay Gameware they only had one.

Players say video gaming isn't just letting kids play ping pong. It could be letting them see porn through it's internet connection.

Cpt. Bill Duncan is with the Caddo Sheriff's Dept. "They are actually accessing Wii consoles through their sites and enticing people to come into their sites."

Gatson says, "Before we knew it we had a house full of guys and they were flipping out, I mean, they really had some hard core stuff which I don't think would be appropriate for the youngsters."
So what's a parent to do? You can begin with the games privacy controls and install some blockers, but police say nothing is more fullproof than a parents supervision.

"I'm not sure that it blocks everything and I don't think you'll find any filtering device that will block 100% of anything." Duncan says.

He goes on to say, "Parental involvement is the number one thing."

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